Kia ora | HELLO
The face behind HolisHealth
Who am I? I am a woman, a mother, a lover, a sister, a daughter, a human, a seeker, a weaver, a way-shower. I have lived in the Middle East, Europe and currently in Aotearoa/New Zealand. I hold a degree in Human Movement Science, a diploma in Natural Health (Mesology®) and I am certified in Remote Healing Mastery with the Neo-Shamanic Society. I am the founder/owner of HolisHealth, a business that started in the Netherlands and came to NZ in 2015. It evolved as I evolved. Holistic health got a whole new meaning when in 2018 breast cancer arrived on the scene. The spiritual aspect of being human became more incorporated into my life and therefore in my business model. Besides mentoring other humans to become their best selves, I love organic, permaculture and food-forest gardening, beekeeping, walking in and connecting to nature. With a never-ending thirst for new knowledge and experiences I adore reading, breathwork, meditating and travelling.
how i work
Empathic and Intuitive.
it is with deep honour, respect and compassion that i meet my clients on their journey. i do not help, heal or save them but rather, provide the container, create the space, teach the tools and share the knowledge that empowers them on their own path to wholeness. i am a facilitator and space holder for healing to occur.
my MOTO in 4 steps
Changing the outer reality through doing the inner work.
It may not always be easy, but it is simple.
Ready to dive in?
Years of Experience